Happy May!

Please join us for lunch or dinner!

We have added Uber Eats for online purchase and delivery

Click on the button below to give Uber Eats and DoorDash an opportunity to bring our food to you

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Upcountry Experience

Visit the Thipsaeng family restaurant for a unique blend of spices and sauces which make a memorable, delightful meal. Prepared with care and creativity, you will enjoy dishes from the northeastern corner of Thailand. Take a short trip to discover some of the best Thai food in Ventura County.

Try something different today

Chef specials and unique combinations

Yellow Curry and Egg Rolls

Yellow Curry and Egg Rolls


We love to share the experience with others. Ask us about ingredients and tools of the trade. We love good food and love to share with others.

Laab Ped… (means chopped duck salad with cilantro and lime juice)

Laab Ped… (means chopped duck salad with cilantro and lime juice)


Mom was an excellent cook in the old days and she passed all of the secrets on to her children now working behind the scenes.

Mona is magic!

Mona is magic!


Every member of the team has their specialty. Mona is the dish designer and creator of curries and special sauces. Tony is a master at the wok to put everything together fast and hot! You will probably meet May out front as she helps you decide on just the right dish. Don’t forget to say hi to Paula, our leader and inspiration. We wouldn’t be here without her…



Mona (Amorn)

Recipe Architect

She works the kitchen with the kind of skill one must be born with and developed over the years. Mona (aka Amorn) learned from Mom and every good cook she has ever known. There are old family favorites and new experiments available anytime. Just ask.

Paula (Por)

Our Leader

Creator, organizer, manager, Head of Customer Satisfaction and chief bottle washer. Paula has been itching for years to bring these recipes to market. This restaurant is the result of many years preparation and dreams. Come join the fun.

Tony (Toto)


Experienced in many roles in the kitchen, Tony has added many twists and turns to menu items. Specializing in wok creations with flair and timing. Watch through the window to see how things are really done by a professional.

Crying Tiger… grilled ribeye with a very special sauce

Crying Tiger… grilled ribeye with a very special sauce

Avocado Curry….healthy and savory dish

Avocado Curry….healthy and savory dish